Sunday, October 6, 2019

What Is This New Global Religion Part 1

Special Thanks to the Graphic Artist
     ....the Lord called to him from the mountain, saying...for all the earth is Mine - Ex 19:3a,5b

      The New Global Religion has begun to issue its vision for the global community for the future and has focused their vision to snatch the human race out of the jaws of mass extinction if all goes as planned within the next decade. But a few questions right off the top beg to be asked and answered.

How will countries/cultures/peoples who worship/protect cattle respond to cattle being deemed too dangerous to human survival?

Earliest estimates of cows/bulls as having significant religious affiliation with laws regarding their preservation, or sacrifice, or reverence date back to the 3rd millennium BC in Ancient Egypt.

Some of the countries/cultures held that the cow/bull should be spared slaughter. Some held that only the bull and only specific bulls could be slaughtered. In other countries/cultures the bull or a young female that has not born a calf/aka heifer, are prized for specific religious purposes. Even to this day there is a vigilance in waiting or manufacturing the perfect red heifer by those known as the Temple Institute in Israel in order for the Third Temple of GOD to be built.  

Today, in some parts of the world, cattle are considered sanctioned by a government for reasons of religion, health, practicality.

Cows/bulls/cattle are revered by some religiously because they have a living soul. Others are sanctioned against slaughter because they provide milk from which other dairy products can be made and human life sustained. Yet others are sanctioned for practicality purposes, mostly to protect the animal from being over slaughtered.

Nearly 6 millennia of history the cow/bull are important to cultures whether religious or secular.

Today, so many things that have been preserved through religious practice, national cultural practice or secular culture have become the focus of chaotic breakdown. In some western cultures the bovine species has been singled out as having some alleged effect on the environment by way of their ruminant digestive process [methane gas expelled from the mouth or bottom and found in their poop] and the alleged impact on natural resources in those place where there is cattle farming. [Point of interest may be that the concentration of any live animal farming releases methane gas via manure. And yet, chicken, bovine and equine manure each provides special elements to the soil for vegetable and fruit gardening.

How exactly will the reduction associated with cattle [and other animal] farming be accomplished? By the cessation [or reduction] of biodiesel products used heavily in all facets of farming, no matter if it is vegetable, fruit, animal/fowl. It appears, while the bovine gets the blame for all the methane gas it is actually biodiesel gas -- not methane gas -- which is the focus of the latest new green plan resolution in February of 2019 in the US House of Representatives. So why the focus on the Bovine? It may well be a diabolical plot to take a millennials old religious symbol and turn it around from worship to disdain and from preservation to destruction.

Interesting trivia: The Jews from Exodus who had just left Egypt where cow worship was practiced and who made a golden calf for worship -- about 3000 of them died as a result of making for themselves an idol to worship. So, whether you worship the cow/bull/cattle or just want to protect them for nonreligious reasons, making them the poster animal guilty of ruining the earth and ultimately eliminating them seems a complete disregard to the manifold proponents of the bovine around the world. Doesn’t it seem a tad diabolical to you?

What religion do you know whose members loathe it? Or, blame all things perceived as awful happening anywhere on earth on their religion? Seriously? What kind of religion is so bad it is equally hated everywhere on earth by its committed members? A diabolical one maybe?

Why make something you hate the focus of religious fervor?

Query: What religion do you know that is utterly despised and feared -- ultimately blamed as the cause for all things perceived to be bad on earth? Where the members have such loathing for the object of their fervor, conviction and commitment? Who have reached down to the smallest of their children to instill fear of death because of their loathsome religion? This author is not aware of any religion for which the object of worship, conviction or commitment is contempt and revulsion by its members? To be clear, the question is not how nonmembers view another’s religion but how the actual advocate and believer of this growing global religion views their own? If you actually detest something with such intense passion, why would you be seduced into worship like behavior? It occupies your every waking moment. You will take time off from work and school to publicly proselytize through mass rallies? Why would you scare your children? Isn’t that sort of dark? Doesn’t it seem diabolical to you?

Does it matter to you all previous prophesies of this global religion failed? -- The question of believing any religion with a failure rate @100% is equally questionable. Considering the fervent ardor believers exerted for each of their predictions just to fail – is it not diabolical?

How many things and what kinds of things did this newish global religion prophesy to happen and by what dates for such things as mass extinction of humans? Water rising? Ice caps/icebergs melting/etc.
Like many religions this one too has a body of past and present prophesies [they call predictions – turns out in this case to be semantics] that did not manifest as advertised or is likely not to manifest at least by authority or likelihood of this strange global religion. For instance, failed claim of Famine disastrous by 1975; world food supply will need to be tripled to feed the 6-7 billion people living by year 2000. The solution? Control world population.

DATA POINT: While hunger is by no means gone a report from 2018 had this to say as part of a broader report: “2015 marked the end of the monitoring period for the two internationally agreed targets for hunger reduction. The target for the Millennium Development Goals for lower-middle-income countries as a whole was to halve the proportion of hungry people by 2015 from the base year(s) of 1990-2, or from 23.2 percent to ll.6 percent. As the proportion in 2014-16 is 12.9 percent, the goal has almost been met. Following the Millennium Development Goals, the Sustainable Development Goals aim to end all forms of malnutrition by 2030 (FAO et al., 2017).” --

 The same ‘expert’s failed prophesy in 1967 that twenty years hence if luck does not intervene, everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam. Obviously people are still on earth. The world population in 1967 was 3.467 billion – two years later in 1969 3.61 Billion. In 2018, 7.5 billion.  

 Then there was the failed prophesy of a new ice age by the beginning of the new millennial year of 2000. Again, failed prophesy in 1970 that in less than a decade of that year the ‘oceans would be as dead as Lake Erie’ and Americans would be subject to water rationing in 1974 and food rationing in 1980. Yet another failed prophesy in 1971: In fifty years fossil fuel bio products being thrust into the air could so eclipse the sun with a ‘dust’ the average temperature could drop by 5-10 degrees if it happened over several years. We are now less than 2 years away from the end of the 50 years when such fallacy was first introduced to the global stage. Instead of average temps falling the temps are being touted as being ABOVE average and instead of dust occluding the Sun it is actually alleged to be more exposed due to holes in the atmosphere? In 1974, the adherents of this religion suggest in another failed talking point about the ice packs in the waters around such countries as Iceland having grown so thick there is a southward migration of Armadillos. From the Midwest? But not from Iceland? 

From 1971 to 1974 whiplash set in as the failed prophesy of only 3 years of too much dust in the atmosphere to 1974 the same fossil fuels were eating away at the Ozone. The media archives are filled with literally decades of failed prophesy from scientists who actually forgot or denied that humans have no control over the universe big or small. But their efforts to scare everyone into some different controlled activity [like population control] or to negate some popular activity despite the lack of evidence manifesting their dire calls may beg the question: Doesn’t it seem a tad diabolical to you?

Ponder this: Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said: 2 “Who is this who darkens counsel By words without knowledge? 3 Now prepare yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer Me. 4 “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding.” – Job 38:1-4   

“Shall the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him? He who rebukes God, let him answer it.” – Job 40:2

©Lightwritingmatters 2015

 Bibles Designations

KJV – King James Version
NIV – New International Version
NWT – New World Translation
ASV -- American Standard Version

DISCLAIMER: The thoughts published on this blog, in total, are the opinions, thoughts and considerations of the writer/author of every post published. It is assumed that research by the reader will lead the reader to their own conclusions. It is not the writer’s intent to make a judgment of anyone but to allow GOD’s Word to do what it does. “For the word of GOD is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from GOD’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” – Hebrews 4:12 [NIV]

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